Plans for the Future of This Blog
Now that I have completed my Master’s capstone project, which consisted of creating this blog and the first nine posts, I wanted to provide my readers with my plans for the blog going forward. We will continue to examine various ecological issues through a multidisciplinary lens in order to understand the interconnected nature of humans and our environment. And, I will continue to try my best to make the information I am sharing digestible to as broad an audience as possible. The primary disciplines showcased will include philosophy, environmental sciences, psychology, politics, literature and art, and innovation engineering. These disciplines can add to our understanding of and perspective toward the natural world. As we progress through this blog, I hope you begin to notice how all the various topics we discuss are connected, as I did throughout my college education.
Most of the ecological issues we will discuss are part of the “Triple Planetary Crisis;” the United Nations Climate Change website explains:
The triple planetary crisis refers to the three main interlinked issues that humanity currently faces: climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. Each of these issues has its own causes and effects and each issue needs to be resolved if we are to have a viable future on this planet.

However, I also intend to address other important environmental concerns such as environmental justice and resource scarcity. Additionally, I will continue to share innovations, policy advancements, and success stories from around the world, as I find these stories to be highly inspirational. As I have stated before in this blog, we need to stay hopeful and recognize that there is still time to change our course. Lastly, I plan to discuss how these various environmental issues are both caused by and do harm to human society.
I believe that education means nothing if it is not shared and used to better the world around you. This blog is my attempt at doing just that. I truly hope you stop in now and then and find my content educational and inspiring!
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